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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Moving Day

Moving Day

Blue Lunar Eagle


I'm in Canada with my cats, visiting Becky, Charlie and family (but in the dream never see the kids). We are out site seeing and coming back to where Charlie and Becky are living and look up in the sky and there is a huge snow pack about to come down on us; it's like the crest of a wave, the snow is just frozen in time, there. People are running to and fro, getting in their cars and leaving before the avalanche occurs. People are scurrying about like it's the end of the world. Becky tells me to look again. I look and all I see are clouds. I feel stupid to believe it was snow (but later in the dream the warning of the avalanche is still looming in the background).

I keep seeing my cats running wild in the streets so I am trying to gather them up. Then I come into a building, feels like a hospital, where Charlie and Becky are sitting, waiting. I am joking around with another guy and I blurt out something about “I'd like to suck that pot pipe!” Charlie gives me that look, and puts his finger to his mouth: ssh! Becky tells me that on the other side of that door they are talking about Charlie's interview. My bad! So we sit, waiting for the outcome of Charlie's interview for a high paying and what would be a very successful job. Feels like the business wing of the hospital.

There's lots more conversations in the dream, both with Charlie and Becky, independently and together. I am certain we discussed magick and Horus Maat Lodge, which we belong to online. But this is all I woke up with. We never got around to leaving and there was really no panic on our part, even through people in the streets were! EOD.