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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Resurrection Alley

Resurrection Alley

April 10, 2012

yellow self existing human KIN 212

Woke up from the most interesting dream. I was trying to drive to Boulder, to do tarot readings on the Pearl St., Mall. It was already getting late, a couple hours before sunset. Suddenly I was parked on the side of the road, and their two dead bodies in my car; one in the front seat one in the backseat. I knew I was supposed to call the cops, to do the right thing; but I couldn't. Next thing I know the dead body in the backseat is out on the sidewalk. I must've moved it. Now was wondering should I just take both bodies Dump them on the road and get the hell out of here? All of a sudden the body in the front seat begins to move. How did it come alive? Now I am really hesitating. How could I ever explain this to the police. EOD

Comments: I woke up really happy! Something felt settled. Maybe these two bodies symbolize aspects of my past, families and friends, things I no longer needed. Maybe the body waking up symbolizes something about my past I thought I had to give up some friendship, or some family concerns I thought I had to let go of; when actually I just needed to resurrect something within me? Synchronicity was with me, as I woke up I pulled a dream card from Strephon Kaplan-William's Dream cards and got ENDING, an Adversity card, 35. “Your task is to let go of wanting someone to stay alive. Live their essence yourself in your own way”

I thought it was also interesting that this happened on April 10th, the 108th anniversary of the writing of the book of the law.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Water, Water, All Around...

Iris E. - So often, dreams about water...

Steven W. Minish - I have many dreams about water, traveling long rivers, swimming in oceans, island caves and many weird water creatures, mainly strange amphibians, water snakes, dragons, octopuss, and sea monsters, sometimes I can walk on water.

Iris E. - For me, it seems to be just water, in some form or another, playing a large role in the dream, nearly day in and day out. I think it represents the collective (consciousness, unconscious). Also, a personally emotional state of being. It could relate to a watery future but I am not sure about that. I wondered if anyone else dreams about water so frequently.
This is one for the One-I-Romancers.
Originally poster in the Book of Face.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

We're Not in Kansas anymore!

We're not in Kansas Anymore

woke up from dream around 4:15 pm

October 31, 2011, White Spectral Dog

Dream fragment of coming home from a walk, where I found something and was holding it in my hand. I find my neighbor Josh in my place, rearranging my furniture, starting with my ceremony/spirit office. There are some improved and interesting touches, such as the coloring book picture of an old crank phone hanging on the wall; made me laugh. I remember opening the scene I was coming home up the road and over the hill I could see big, dark storm clouds coming in from the North; reminded me of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz coming home right before the tornado. I was talking to some girl (Dorothy? My grandmother's name is Dorothy and today is her birthday); and she kept dropping hints about some gift I was about to receive, and psychically in the dream I read her mind, something about this gift would allow me to live without having to work this whole next year, so I could start my school, teach classes, edit and publish my books, and create my tarot cards. EOD

Comments: I can't for the life of me remember what I held in my hand, but it was the key. A quartz crystal?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Escape to LA

Escape to LA


White Crystal Mirror

I am in LA with all my cats. Glyn is there, so is Luna. I'm meeting Luna's friends. A really cool gay couple, who seem artistic and knowledgeable, make friend with me. We talk about tarot and meditation.

This person's place, a friend of Luna's is in a huge condo in downtown LA. I remember these 2 guys are going to show me something, a process, maybe a meditation or something to do with telepathy. Suddenly I feel like I gots to go check on my cats. The one dude, with blonde hair tries to get me to reconsider.

I go to the place where my cats were suppose to be, and they are gone. They had escaped thru a cubbyhole which led to the neighbors yard, and I go try to pick them all up but they have a mind of their own. I am thinking how did this person have such a beautiful green lawn in downtown LA? I make a final attempt to get my cats; when this rich woman in pearls and white hair comes running out of the house with this look of concern on her face. “You can't be here! Leave, please. I am testifying at a trial tomorrow. You shouldn't let them see you.” Suddenly I see a couple of men in suits with ear phones, speaking into their hands. I realize that I have to let go of the hopes of getting my cats if I am to escape.

I go back to the party, the cops are there, sweeping the area. I manage to eaves drop and distinctly hear a cop say they are searching for me, the tarot reader. I don't know what to do; for a split second, then I go out onto the streets. The cops and military are sweeping the whole area, stopping people and checking people's ID's online. I go through another door and suddenly I meet one of my new friends, the blonde gay guy. He gives me this glance of recognition not to speak, but to follow him.

We go into a parking garage and up an incline; thinking we've made it. Sure enough, there is another check point. We see the cops behind us with submachine rifles, so we decided to go forward. We casually go up to the security guard at the check point and he has some kind of laser scanning equipment. My friend is ahead of me and he is let through, allowed to go on. I reach for my wallet, and it's not in my pocket. I must have forgot to unpack it. I honestly exclaim, I think I left it at the hotel. The security guard with graying hair tells me to wait right there, as he goes to talk to his superior. A young woman comes up and replaces him at the screening terminal. I walked behind her, notice nobody is paying attention to me, and I walk through the door my friend just left through.

I see him on the other dies. We smile. No cops around. I pull out my cell phone to call Glyn. This weird looking young geek comes up to some young kids behind my right shoulder and I overhear him ask them if they do tarot. For some reason I think this is synchronistic, but my friend reads my mind and shakes his head no. I look at the geek again, he even has some white tape around one side of his glasses, so I ignore my friend's concerns and take out my cell phone to call Glyn again. For some reason my cell phone is lopsided and won't close right. I turn to my friend and say “Let's leave.” He hesitates long enough for this geek to come over and ask what's wrong. I tell him my cell phone is broken, but if he helps me by fixing it, I'll do him a tarot reading.

He pops out an unfolding metal grid; at first it looked like he pulled it out of my phone, but I realize he had it up his sleeve. He places a red-yellow tape around my phone and hands it back to me. It says “Special evidence.” I realize he's undercover. He starts asking my friend for his ID card and I just up and leave. I'm thinking I'll never see my cats again! EOD.

Comments: Obviously stuff mixed in about the Wall Street Occupation movements around the world this weekend mixed in with my having been stopped by the cops 8 or 9 times last month. Very lucid and lots of telepathy gong on in the dream. I finally figured out I was somewhat invisible and could successfully allude the men in black. I also remember my new friends boyfriend asking me if I was moving to LA since I brought my cats, and I said I was only checking it out. Undoubtedly also getting Patrick Meaney's book Our Sentence is Up, about Grant Morrison's The Invisibles has a huge impact on this dream.

Meeting Aion in the Underworld

Meeting Aion in the Underworld

Had a dream that I met Aion in an underground parking garage. He was standing by the elevator as I was heading toward it with I think two companions. I introduced myself and we smiled and greeted and apparently he new from ages ago one of my companions. All were in good spirits and it seems we were ready for some sort of activity. I think it was night and cold and quite dark in the parking garage. The dream was a few days ago during early waning moon. Today after a run it popped back into my mind for some reason and I thought that maybe the underground parking garage had something to do with the Underworld and the elevator perhaps with Journeys to the Underworld. Us meeting joyfully and in a state of sober readiness for some task it seems there at the threshold, the gate between worlds – not sure what dream means, if anything, but I think is a good omen, that perhaps the things we do may eventually affect the fabric of the unconscious. Perhaps the parking garage represents where we store our bodies when traversing through planes more subtle – astral, dreams, etc.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Bestial Bats of Teliphios

I am at an occult bookshop looking at a display of "Bat orbs". These are glass orbs that have "preserved" bats inside them, and glass wings attached to the orbs. I want to buy one. Then I'm looking at a book by Andrew Chumbley. In it I see two words: "Bestiale" and "Teliphios". ...then I wake up...

Note: I had this dream this morning, October 12, Crowleymass. The Birthday of To Mega Therion, or The Great Beast... certainly a Bestial day.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Moving Day

Moving Day

Blue Lunar Eagle


I'm in Canada with my cats, visiting Becky, Charlie and family (but in the dream never see the kids). We are out site seeing and coming back to where Charlie and Becky are living and look up in the sky and there is a huge snow pack about to come down on us; it's like the crest of a wave, the snow is just frozen in time, there. People are running to and fro, getting in their cars and leaving before the avalanche occurs. People are scurrying about like it's the end of the world. Becky tells me to look again. I look and all I see are clouds. I feel stupid to believe it was snow (but later in the dream the warning of the avalanche is still looming in the background).

I keep seeing my cats running wild in the streets so I am trying to gather them up. Then I come into a building, feels like a hospital, where Charlie and Becky are sitting, waiting. I am joking around with another guy and I blurt out something about “I'd like to suck that pot pipe!” Charlie gives me that look, and puts his finger to his mouth: ssh! Becky tells me that on the other side of that door they are talking about Charlie's interview. My bad! So we sit, waiting for the outcome of Charlie's interview for a high paying and what would be a very successful job. Feels like the business wing of the hospital.

There's lots more conversations in the dream, both with Charlie and Becky, independently and together. I am certain we discussed magick and Horus Maat Lodge, which we belong to online. But this is all I woke up with. We never got around to leaving and there was really no panic on our part, even through people in the streets were! EOD.