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Monday, January 3, 2011

Yule-New Years Ritual Dreams

Over the last week or so Ive had the most astounding ritualistic dreams I can ever remember having

Around Solstice I had an astoundingly clear dream- Im leading a mass ritual on top of a hill, clear day , white clouds and blue sky. We are in the partial ruins of a huge and sacred castle- but now open- Tintegel? Camelot? Something primal and mystical like this. Color banners, all kinds of people dressed almost like Renaissance folks- all gathering about. I called them all together at a big stone altar and did a loud invocation of the 4 quarters and of the gods- I had trouble focusing on which was E<>

New years- awoke to a partially forgotten dream- Im in the mountains, all snow covered, almost white out- Im on a peak doing a ritual, I know that it is an HML ritual and I am calling forth the double current…at the peak of my calling forth names of power I hear a climber crawling up the side of the cliff Im overlooking- but I cant see it/him/her- I began to be filled with terror, I know is some demonic beast…or?... and I prepare to defend myself…when suddenly a hand comes over the cliff than another; it is a very dirty and very hairy wild man, but not anything demonic- in fact I feel happy to see him and help him over the lip- and awake…

Last night: Pulled from a deep deep dream where I am involved in a complex and deep ritual- I remember using Abrahadabra and Ipsos and a number of other power words- weaving protective but also very active magick ritual for…got woken up!

Tried to go back to it but not really able to- have felt headachey and out of it all day- moral: don’t interrupt intense dreamtime rituals!

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