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Monday, July 25, 2011

Wondrous Kitten and Woodburner and Ceramic Arrow Shard in Swamp

July 23 – waning moon near half -dreamed I was visiting someone from HML – maybe Nema and Lyrus. They were busy doing something and as I was waiting in another room I saw a few wonders. One was a small black kitten who could make its two eyes into one giant bulging eye (bulging out like a balloon). Awesome I thought. Next as I peered into the woodburner I saw grey-white ashen logs forming the shapes of medieval castles.

Also – in another dream the same night I was down in my grandparents’ field and saw first a small conifer tree that had gotten shaved down nearly to the bottom but with enough green that it would survive and then I reached my hand in a swampy area and pulled out a large broken ceramic shard that looked like the whole piece would have formed some sort ceramic arrow of art or ceremonial function.

Yeah strange dreams but I only mention as I was somehow thinking of HML in the dream.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Chariots of Creation

Here is an account of the recent New Moon working I did on July 1st, 2011. I awoke with the following dream, itself part of a longer astral narrative from the night: The Chariot of Creation
I am with Robert Moss in a room. We are both dreaming of books and practicing an exercise of going into a dream (inside the dream), to read a text and copy it while in a trance state, to our notebooks. In my dream I see a grid, like graph paper, with various Hebrew letters: Cheth, Resh, and Tau. I take them to mean, CREATE. I copy the grid down... then I have a plastic grid in my hands with lines of webbing between the squares. I can poke holes through the webbing. There is another large block of text, something in English which I want to copy but it is too much. I tell Robert it would be nice to have some shamanic drumming to aid us in re-entering the dream, but he didn't bring his frame drum and he would want someone else to do the drumming while we journey.

The dream narrative, winds around to some other subjects. On waking, after writing it all down in my journal, I'm having my morning tea and checking my email. Reminded by Shade's lovely work on the HML calendar that it is the New Moon. Also Aion's post about the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and beginning of the Dog Days. The New Moon was in Cancer, and this made sense to me as I hand considered Cheth and it's associations to the Chariot card, and Cancer. Looking at the letters from my dream I thought that perhaps Cheth, Resh and Tau could be a transliteration into English for the main letters in CHARIOT. In Hebrew there are no vowels after all. After I started uploading the podcast I danced and did the Rite of Children. It was joyous and filled with energy. I focused on sending energy to my Grandson, and also to a young kid I had seen in the library often who looked to be neglected, but also to all children everywhere. After the rite, I decided I would lay down and go into the Chariot card for a pathworking/meditation. I visualized the Thoth version of this trump and "became" the armored knight whom I saw as a "Guardian of the Grail". In my visionary state I realized this armored knight not only guarded the grail from those who would misues its power, but also offered the grail to the destitute and those who needed to drink of its life. Later in the day I wrote the following poem musing on all this:

The Chariot of Creation,
is fueled by a Cauldron
a Grail whose Guardian
steers the whirling vortices of bubbling energy,
a Brew of Bitter Blood Born to Babalon

Drink and flood your mind with visions
of Cherubim prisms
the Eagle, the Lion, the Bull, and the Man
tethering the Mercurial Ba
Feathers on the wings of the rising Ka
soar upwards to the height of heavens
and fill the Grail anknew...

to complete the sequence I plan to do pathworkings for Resh and Tau, the Sun and Universe. When I have completed those I will post my findings.