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Monday, July 25, 2011

Wondrous Kitten and Woodburner and Ceramic Arrow Shard in Swamp

July 23 – waning moon near half -dreamed I was visiting someone from HML – maybe Nema and Lyrus. They were busy doing something and as I was waiting in another room I saw a few wonders. One was a small black kitten who could make its two eyes into one giant bulging eye (bulging out like a balloon). Awesome I thought. Next as I peered into the woodburner I saw grey-white ashen logs forming the shapes of medieval castles.

Also – in another dream the same night I was down in my grandparents’ field and saw first a small conifer tree that had gotten shaved down nearly to the bottom but with enough green that it would survive and then I reached my hand in a swampy area and pulled out a large broken ceramic shard that looked like the whole piece would have formed some sort ceramic arrow of art or ceremonial function.

Yeah strange dreams but I only mention as I was somehow thinking of HML in the dream.

1 comment:

  1. Great! I like the one bulging cat eye, very cartoon like. Castles in the sand, castles in the ashes. Maybe, if it were my dream, being more playful with my third eye insights, after all they are just ashes to ashes.

    Medieval castles and large broken ceramic shards in the shape of an arrow. Ashes, swampy area, ceramic arrow. Maybe pointing to the direction of being more conscious and protective of Earth. Maybe I would take all these ingredients and resurect the tree, helping it heal and grow again?!
