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Monday, September 27, 2010

My essay, "Music from Sirius: The Dreams of Karlheinz Stockhausen" is now finished. It explores the compositions he wrote that were inspired by his dreams and other related work:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dog Deer Horse

Sept 18, 2010 ~ 4AM ~10th day of waxing moon - dreamed that our old dog (now long dead) was missing so I was camping on outer part of property (where we used to live years ago) to search for him. I was along a dirt road. Coming down the road fast was a long piece of equipment with a dozer blade on the front – strangely too like a sun chariot. A deer leapt right out in front of it but before it hit it changed into a white horse the same size as the deer and somehow stayed in front of it for a while then I could see the horse’s legs running on the other side of the vehicle as it passed. For a moment I felt relieved that it was not hit. Then as the vehicle fully passed I noticed that horse had no head yet was still trotting along. I felt compassion for the horse’s doom. Then just before I awoke I noticed that there was no mark or scar where the horse’s head would have been removed so I had a feeling-tone of being slightly perplexed. That is all. Dog, Deer, Horse – worry, relief, compassion, perplexity.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

hypnogogic fragment

data packets dance
swirling night stars mirrored in oceans black
fade to a sigil for a crow
fade to a sigil for an egg within an egg
arrow thrust to the ovid black center

time disappears.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Pedagogue of Young Gods

After watching "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief", a movie making mythology not only easy to remember but exciting for a new generation, I dreamed that I was the literal reincarnation of the goddess Iris, that some of the Gods and Goddesses were into making love often with one and other regardless of any concept of fidelity. This concept lent to the general feeling of reckless gleeful abandon celebrated by the deities and demi-geities in this dream, where the trouble gotten into in all different facets of life created the very drama that became mythos. Some of them appeared to be handicapped in the real world which is the case in this show though of course, they were not so and that I was running off with one of two twins Castor or Pollux, to have some sort of kinky fun. We were all well hidden from "regular" folk and yet every human being channeled some part of a God or Goddess, if unknowingly.

Much Love,

Iris E.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 9, 2010

Update: Here's a painting (which turned into a diptych in the process) that is an attempt to capture the painting in the dream.
My favorite dream in awhile: A lone painting in a frame hangs on a wall in a dimly lit, unfurnished room. I cannot identify the subject of this work of art but I am told by the man standing nearby that it is by a "master artist". The painting grows a chalky film in patches. (The film is a little like the waxy "bloom" that can occur with the build-up of certain media, e.g., colored pencils or oil pastels.) The chalky film spreads across the painting and sprouts what appear to be tiny quartz crystals and these, in turn, grow to become precious and semi-precious gemstones. The man takes a knife and gently scrapes at the painting, collecting the gems into a cup. The painting grows dark once more before the chalky film reappears...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I had a dream a few nights ago where an angelic being (female i think) came up and said 'you need to get rid of all chemicals before you can cross/pass over'. I can't remember what happened before that. I awoke and wrote it in my diary. Im drug free so it wasn't to do with that?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Waking Observations of the Unconscious Dream Dimension

There are four women that have been visiting me in my dreams who are usually swimming, like mermaids or  in the act of ritual, once even walking through a school yard holding books. This time they were swimming in a ditch, near a small pine tree, in front of an apartment building. I know that I have dreamed of them twice now though I cannot tell if they were separate occasions or not, upon waking this morning, that this was the second visit was clear.

I am also pregnant and dreamed that I had a key for my apartment made of chocolate-chip cookie... And not even a key shaped cookie, a round one, attached to my key chain, with a tempting bit falling off of it. I was scared to bite it, though crumbly, for fear of it loosing its oh so very key-like shape.

To put it simply, it seems that I am occasionally able to tell if someone has been jerking off about me or has in the past, through my dreams. This is realized when a dream occurs where a sexual act is happening with someone whom I've had no previous fantasies about when there may be a strong chance that this someone has had the opposite feelings about me. This has not yet been confirmed but in being honest with myself and attempting to honestly read others, it seems highly probable. Though the energy involved in sexual thought may be intense, other emotions can be, too. Allow yourself to apply this little theory to thought in general or the people we meet and what that might mean about how we are actually experiencing one and other on different planes. I've always wondered when we have a conversation with other people who we are familiar with in our dreams, if considering all the spaces and times we don't recall upon waking, we did really meet those people.

Dreams are Drugs,

Iris E.

Friday, September 3, 2010