There are four women that have been visiting me in my dreams who are usually swimming, like mermaids or in the act of ritual, once even walking through a school yard holding books. This time they were swimming in a ditch, near a small pine tree, in front of an apartment building. I know that I have dreamed of them twice now though I cannot tell if they were separate occasions or not, upon waking this morning, that this was the second visit was clear.
I am also pregnant and dreamed that I had a key for my apartment made of chocolate-chip cookie... And not even a key shaped cookie, a round one, attached to my key chain, with a tempting bit falling off of it. I was scared to bite it, though crumbly, for fear of it loosing its oh so very key-like shape.
To put it simply, it seems that I am occasionally able to tell if someone has been jerking off about me or has in the past, through my dreams. This is realized when a dream occurs where a sexual act is happening with someone whom I've had no previous fantasies about when there may be a strong chance that this someone has had the opposite feelings about me. This has not yet been confirmed but in being honest with myself and attempting to honestly read others, it seems highly probable. Though the energy involved in sexual thought may be intense, other emotions can be, too. Allow yourself to apply this little theory to thought in general or the people we meet and what that might mean about how we are actually experiencing one and other on different planes. I've always wondered when we have a conversation with other people who we are familiar with in our dreams, if considering all the spaces and times we don't recall upon waking, we did really meet those people.
Dreams are Drugs,
Iris E.