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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Speaking my Truth

I had this dream last week about the time I requested that Na'ton give me proof.

I am in an Italian Villa. Nice place, probably not mine. My ex-friend Rick Vito was there (doctor) and he is demanding to know what's in my pocket. Since I am dreaming, I suddenly tune into my pocket, where I have a silver gun. Although he is demanding to know, and I feel its none of his business, I say, "Not your concern, dude."

Suddenly Rick pulls out a black gun and points it at me. I manage to slip out the kitchen door and head down the brick alley. I notice a wooden gate up ahead, with an arch. I am sensing just as soon as I make it through that arch, I will be safe.

Just as I am about to open the door, Rick burst through, grabs my neck, forces the barrel of the gun into my mouth, pulls the trigger and blows out my brains. As I am dying, I collapse, surrender and go into a fetal position. Suddenly there are these swhirling, soothing lights, earthy colors and I am attracted and drawn into them, knowing that I am dying. The last thing I remember is: "Hey, there was no pain!"

So for me the old adage that if you get killed in a dream you die in real life obviously didn't work on me.

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