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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Conscious Accidental

Conscious Accidental

I am at my great aunt's house and for some reason my cats are there. We are in the basement, and as I try to round them up, Cookie gets loose and head's outside. The house is on a hill, with one of those fake garden terraces in front. I step on the fake golf course grass and suddenly I slipped, pulling the grass and the whole lawn down with me and then to my amazement, the whole house slides off the back and into a hole, breaking apart, in an accident. I feel sad for my cats and my Aunt. I tell myself “I didn't do it!”

I wander around and I keep seeing homeless and street people noticing my energy and being pulled my way, until I deflect them with a glance. Then I hear people whispering about me. Finally I get to overhear a young girl, “Everywhere he goes, it seems these homeless vagrants follow him around where-ever he goes.” I ask her what's up with that? She says that if I am going to become conscious in the dream then I better realize I had to watch my actions because they influence others. She reminded me that I should help other people. I say, “Of course.”

I go back to my Aunt Leona's house and it isn't in the hole anymore. As a matter of fact it is back up on the hill and I can see the curtains have been taken off the windows and I see clothes laying on the bed, waiting to be packed. I wonder if my cats are OK, when I see Cookie run by. EOD.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Art of Dreaming

I finally got a copy of Art of Dreaming, by Carlos Casteneda. I like what Don Juan says about the 3 thresholds of dreaming, and that maybe sharing dream interpretations is counterproductive to the main purpose of dream work, building the energy body. I can see where tantra fits in here. Its about being in the dream, both in the sleeping and waking realms!

Now I know why we had those zhombie dreams the summer First Earth Dreaming School was online, and we eventually shut down. Sharing dreams might be like eating each other's brains.

If they trigger dreams fine, but let's try it. Let's share dreams to trigger other dreams and build our energy bodies. A little interpretation, but let's keep that to a minimum. OK?!