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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Conscious Accidental

Conscious Accidental

I am at my great aunt's house and for some reason my cats are there. We are in the basement, and as I try to round them up, Cookie gets loose and head's outside. The house is on a hill, with one of those fake garden terraces in front. I step on the fake golf course grass and suddenly I slipped, pulling the grass and the whole lawn down with me and then to my amazement, the whole house slides off the back and into a hole, breaking apart, in an accident. I feel sad for my cats and my Aunt. I tell myself “I didn't do it!”

I wander around and I keep seeing homeless and street people noticing my energy and being pulled my way, until I deflect them with a glance. Then I hear people whispering about me. Finally I get to overhear a young girl, “Everywhere he goes, it seems these homeless vagrants follow him around where-ever he goes.” I ask her what's up with that? She says that if I am going to become conscious in the dream then I better realize I had to watch my actions because they influence others. She reminded me that I should help other people. I say, “Of course.”

I go back to my Aunt Leona's house and it isn't in the hole anymore. As a matter of fact it is back up on the hill and I can see the curtains have been taken off the windows and I see clothes laying on the bed, waiting to be packed. I wonder if my cats are OK, when I see Cookie run by. EOD.

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