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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Resurrection Alley

Resurrection Alley

April 10, 2012

yellow self existing human KIN 212

Woke up from the most interesting dream. I was trying to drive to Boulder, to do tarot readings on the Pearl St., Mall. It was already getting late, a couple hours before sunset. Suddenly I was parked on the side of the road, and their two dead bodies in my car; one in the front seat one in the backseat. I knew I was supposed to call the cops, to do the right thing; but I couldn't. Next thing I know the dead body in the backseat is out on the sidewalk. I must've moved it. Now was wondering should I just take both bodies Dump them on the road and get the hell out of here? All of a sudden the body in the front seat begins to move. How did it come alive? Now I am really hesitating. How could I ever explain this to the police. EOD

Comments: I woke up really happy! Something felt settled. Maybe these two bodies symbolize aspects of my past, families and friends, things I no longer needed. Maybe the body waking up symbolizes something about my past I thought I had to give up some friendship, or some family concerns I thought I had to let go of; when actually I just needed to resurrect something within me? Synchronicity was with me, as I woke up I pulled a dream card from Strephon Kaplan-William's Dream cards and got ENDING, an Adversity card, 35. “Your task is to let go of wanting someone to stay alive. Live their essence yourself in your own way”

I thought it was also interesting that this happened on April 10th, the 108th anniversary of the writing of the book of the law.

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