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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meeting Aion in the Underworld

Meeting Aion in the Underworld

Had a dream that I met Aion in an underground parking garage. He was standing by the elevator as I was heading toward it with I think two companions. I introduced myself and we smiled and greeted and apparently he new from ages ago one of my companions. All were in good spirits and it seems we were ready for some sort of activity. I think it was night and cold and quite dark in the parking garage. The dream was a few days ago during early waning moon. Today after a run it popped back into my mind for some reason and I thought that maybe the underground parking garage had something to do with the Underworld and the elevator perhaps with Journeys to the Underworld. Us meeting joyfully and in a state of sober readiness for some task it seems there at the threshold, the gate between worlds – not sure what dream means, if anything, but I think is a good omen, that perhaps the things we do may eventually affect the fabric of the unconscious. Perhaps the parking garage represents where we store our bodies when traversing through planes more subtle – astral, dreams, etc.


  1. If it were my dream, perhaps this is an open that something is brewing from deep below and that friends are now coming together. We are going to be doing great things together.

  2. I like your thoughts about the parking garage and the Underworld connections in this dream as well Chakra37. May we all continue to meet in shared dreams!
