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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


(Meditation on Maat before sleeping last night, Monday 30th August 2010)

I see a photo of N’Aton. It's a human face. I had previously assumed that the painting I have seen of N'Aton was an artistic impression, but I see now that the face is real, even the divide down the centre of the face. It’s less obvious than on the painting, and the contrast of the 2 sides is a lot more subtle, but it’s definitely there.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bonfires and Magick

This dream is from October 31st, Hallow'een 2009:

I am with my friend Chuck. We are first at a house party. People are talking about having stickers made, this and that made, all D.I.Y. and what it is costing finance wise. Some people seem annoyed.
Then I am with Chuck up on a hill in the woods and he is building a huge bonfire. I am somewhat worried that the fire will spread, but their is a large piece of wood that will act like a container to hold it in the circle. I am also somewhat concerned about the ashes that will be left there in the morning.
Then I am back at the house party standing away from most of the people. there is a girl with short hair. I don't recognize her. She asks me, "What are you good at? Magick?"
The question seems rhetorical, but then I reply, "Yes..." pausing for a minute before adding, "and writing."

Then I wake up with a sense of mystery.

Thoughts and feelings: This is one of two dreams that led me to joining the Horus Maat Lodge. I was questioning what my talents were/are very much at the time, looking where to apply myself. The answer seemed clear: in two fields that are intimately related (being bedfellows): writing and magick.

Shimmering Silvery Droplet

At dawn of the Full Moon I dreamed of a picture, a shimmering droplet of water or maybe mercury by itself within a background of complete darkness. It had the shape of droplet sometimes but altered to various polygons. It was shimmering in many shades of silver often with the shinyness and texture of quicksilver. It was almost like a computer graphic changing shades. I can see it. It was just there like a living picture.That is All

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Recent New Moon Dream (Before Taurus 11*)

I am in some sort of castle or mansion in a very windswept on a cliff overlooking the sea setting. Kind of olde Europish.
Im looking out the window, there are other adepts walking about the giant house, and I see a huge ancient (Greek-ish/Roman-ish) temple out the window and below, it is literally descending into the ocean. Very Atlantis. The part on the sandy beach was out of water but you could see that if you entered it you would quickly descend into the ocean. Lovely turquoise water (think Thai beach) - and the temple was all grey ancient, pitted stone. The columns were like Egyptian and Greek styles combined, central large structure, classic temple look, collonaded, peaked roof etc, and several extending wings - columned sections, quite big, quite elaborate.

I asked someone what the temple was- he said quite clearly:

"That is the Temple of Venus"

He, or someone else, fuzzy here- told me not to go there, but of course I had to.
I ran down to the lovely beach (it was blue-sky-sunny) and began to wade into the water and down into the Temple....and that is where it ended


Short but interesting-

I was in the same mansiion, in a different win....and I entered a room and it was completely WHITE- glowing!
Orryelle and Catamara were there, but silent and still.
I quickly realized that they had something going on and quietly withdrew after a silent hi.

Hm! Id love to find out more about that - or is it all in my head?


It has been many years since I was able to do this, but I woke up IN my dream.

"Awoke' in dreamtime and quickly thought 'grab this quick' so went for the old standby- FLYING! Got up and off the ground quickly and got some good distance over the countryside (?) then drifted back into Deep darkness-

Alchemical Dream/August 10, 2010

I walk through a building the size of gymnasium. Works of art line the stark white walls. I hear someone say the word "bamboo" and notice containers of golden bamboo. There are men and women (clothed and unclothed) in conversation while milling about or sitting in one of numerous circular baths composing the largest room. The atmosphere is faire-like and convivial. I exchange words with a young man who reads Tarot (his table is placed near hot tubs (cool tubs? mineral water tubs?)) and remember feeling impressed by what he said (though I cannot remember what was said.) Suddenly, projected onto one of the walls in circular format, is the image of neon-hued flames surrounding but not consuming a green tree. The men and women in the baths seem surprised, if not alarmed, by the image - I hear "ohhhs". The Tarot reader stands, places his hands together in the swan dive position, and dives into the image. He vanishes. I am then quickly escorted by a woman into a tiny room who works to close the door behind us to prevent entry by so-called "thugs". (At this point, I am lucidly dreaming and feel somewhat curious about this brief appearance of the Shadow.) I am then escorted into yet another room where people are seated on sofas and quietly discussing spiritual subjects. End of dream. - Mermaid
My Vision of Lovecraft with Poe

I was studying at my desk late one night, dare I say 'weak and weary' when I had a severe asthma attack. I managed to stand up, as I was struggling to breathe. Almost as soon as I got upright, I fell over and hit my head on the desk. I was knocked out. I must have lost consciousness briefly, maybe a couple of seconds. When I blacked out I was in another time and space. Suddenly, outlined in darkness, Lovecraft and Poe were talking with me. They told me that I could write horror stories but I would have to pay the price. I would have to learn to think the way that they did. To do that I must take a trip to the dark side.
All of my life I have been a scientific materialist. I never saw things, not boggle nor haunt, neither angel nor demon. That was before I had my dark side vision. Now I wake up in the dark and sleep write. A line or two, sometimes several paragraphs at a time. Then I go back to sleep until the next paragraph comes along. Finally when I wake up I try to interpret my dream notes.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pointing to Sirius

I am in a classroom. I am observing myself in action, as a watcher. The classroom is not traditional, more like a bohemian lounge. I look at a chalkboard. It has all kinds of diagrams and charts about Sirius on it. I take a lecture wand or pointer stick and point it to Sirius. Just by doing this I am invoking the energy of the star.

-A dream from August 4th, 2010

Metadata on the Oneiromancers of the Horus-Maat Lodge

This blog exists as a liminal space for the sharing of dreams from the adepts of the Horus-Maat Lodge (HML). It is a place to grow community dreams, to share travel notes and advisories from the astral plane, and to track the development of collective as it manifests in sleep. By sharing our dreams we seek to actualize N'aton, a kind of super-consciousness for the human race, that Soror Nema has describes in the following passage. "One of the probable futures contains Evolved man -the species of Man at its next level of development- the planetary gestalt. Without sacrificing individuality, Man, in this particular reality, has acquired a race Consciousness, an empathic interconnection of individual consciousness that constitutes a discrete individual persona. This mega-individual has identified itself as N'Aton."

The Broadband of our dreams is vital natural net, a web of interconnectivity that we can all spend more time surfing. In our dreams the place where one mind ends and another begins becomes blurred. By exploring the material our dream producers give us we develop natural skills of increased intuition, precognition, and telepathy, among others. In our dreams we make contact with other powers, beings from different worlds and orders of existence. As the famous mage Aleister Crowley wrote, "My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far greater quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the nervous and cerebral structures that we know; and that the one and only chance of mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such Beings." Dreams are our birthright and in them such contacts happen naturally. The key is to remember them and to begin working with those contacts consciously.

Another inspiration for this project comes from the frequent dream sharing that occurs in the HML email group. In it we can sometimes glimpse the workings of the group mind, or egregore. I then read a blog post by Robert Moss about a group of scientists on the Farralon Islands who have been keeping a collective dream journal for the past twenty years. It is not suprising to find, that engaged in a group project, many of their dreams are similar. Similarly, I thought it would be interesting to gather dreams from a group of occultists who are engaged in collective -though often geographically dispersed- ritual, namely the 11 Star Rite. What other projects this collective dream blog will spawn remains to be seen.

Introduction to the Horus-Maat Lodge

The aim of the Horus/Maat Lodge is to manifest the Double Wanded God-dess. The energies available are the Double Currents of Horus and Maat.
The 93 Current manifests as; The twins Ra-Hoor-Khuit and Hoor-paar-Kraat united, the child or center of the Aeon named Heru-ra-ha.

The 696 or Maat Current manifests as; the next age or possibly the last named Aeon. The Daughter to follow the Son. The Balancing of Stars in the future in the name of Truth.

The lodge is freedom, nothing more. Those who work and are comfortable with the 93 Current CAN seek the future Aeon if it be their Will! We have envisioned the future and wish to communicate with others who are serious.

There is a division or two matrixes or Mandalas in the Horus/Maat Lodge, and these should be remembered. They are only what people make of them. But our purpose is Harmony. 2=0.

Those who are not interested in Maat are invited to join with the Lodge anyway since the law is Do What Thou Wilt.

We are accomplishing the Great Work! Analysis and Synthesis.

-4/79 HML