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Friday, August 27, 2010

Bonfires and Magick

This dream is from October 31st, Hallow'een 2009:

I am with my friend Chuck. We are first at a house party. People are talking about having stickers made, this and that made, all D.I.Y. and what it is costing finance wise. Some people seem annoyed.
Then I am with Chuck up on a hill in the woods and he is building a huge bonfire. I am somewhat worried that the fire will spread, but their is a large piece of wood that will act like a container to hold it in the circle. I am also somewhat concerned about the ashes that will be left there in the morning.
Then I am back at the house party standing away from most of the people. there is a girl with short hair. I don't recognize her. She asks me, "What are you good at? Magick?"
The question seems rhetorical, but then I reply, "Yes..." pausing for a minute before adding, "and writing."

Then I wake up with a sense of mystery.

Thoughts and feelings: This is one of two dreams that led me to joining the Horus Maat Lodge. I was questioning what my talents were/are very much at the time, looking where to apply myself. The answer seemed clear: in two fields that are intimately related (being bedfellows): writing and magick.

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