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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Metadata on the Oneiromancers of the Horus-Maat Lodge

This blog exists as a liminal space for the sharing of dreams from the adepts of the Horus-Maat Lodge (HML). It is a place to grow community dreams, to share travel notes and advisories from the astral plane, and to track the development of collective as it manifests in sleep. By sharing our dreams we seek to actualize N'aton, a kind of super-consciousness for the human race, that Soror Nema has describes in the following passage. "One of the probable futures contains Evolved man -the species of Man at its next level of development- the planetary gestalt. Without sacrificing individuality, Man, in this particular reality, has acquired a race Consciousness, an empathic interconnection of individual consciousness that constitutes a discrete individual persona. This mega-individual has identified itself as N'Aton."

The Broadband of our dreams is vital natural net, a web of interconnectivity that we can all spend more time surfing. In our dreams the place where one mind ends and another begins becomes blurred. By exploring the material our dream producers give us we develop natural skills of increased intuition, precognition, and telepathy, among others. In our dreams we make contact with other powers, beings from different worlds and orders of existence. As the famous mage Aleister Crowley wrote, "My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far greater quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the nervous and cerebral structures that we know; and that the one and only chance of mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such Beings." Dreams are our birthright and in them such contacts happen naturally. The key is to remember them and to begin working with those contacts consciously.

Another inspiration for this project comes from the frequent dream sharing that occurs in the HML email group. In it we can sometimes glimpse the workings of the group mind, or egregore. I then read a blog post by Robert Moss about a group of scientists on the Farralon Islands who have been keeping a collective dream journal for the past twenty years. It is not suprising to find, that engaged in a group project, many of their dreams are similar. Similarly, I thought it would be interesting to gather dreams from a group of occultists who are engaged in collective -though often geographically dispersed- ritual, namely the 11 Star Rite. What other projects this collective dream blog will spawn remains to be seen.

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