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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Black Thunder and the Intelligent Tot

Being pregnant, there have been frequent detailed dreams each and every night all of which have not been recorded though will be shortly when the move is settled. This dream blog has served as an "excuse" to write at least something down.

Last night I dreamed I met my unborn child and it was a 'she'. The name was not known but someone, a narrator-like source was telling of a possibility to feel the shape of a fetuses face and ears through a decently showing pregnant stomach. As if detached from my own body, I was looking straight at a much more pregnancy belly than exists in my reality and feeling just that; The ears and face of my child. Suddenly, the child was right in front of me, appearing as old as one year and speaking as fluently as an adult. All that is recalled of the conversation is that the child's intelligence was extremely shocking at first but that instantly, a feeling of well-being overtook me and I was quite comforted with this fact.

Then there was a dream of a black whale called "Black Thunder." There had also been one dream before both of these which if recalled later, will be posted. There was a huge platform for tourists to view this great pouring forth of water down a gigantic hill, not unlike a waterfall but not the usual ninety degree angle they are often seen flowing off of. There was a massive river that it led out unto and the sky was overcast and quite damp and very cold, the water was notably, also very chilly. As we, being myself and a crowd of people, descended down the stairs on the right hand side of the gushing downhill river, reaching the bottom, many of us crossed to the left side, where the wooden stairs led back upward but only by traversing the river with your feet, the water thankfully being low at that moment, could we reach that side. There was an air of danger at this point and I recall seeing one girl in particular who had fallen into the waters and she was scared, unsure of what lay beneath. Throughout the whole dream, as we walked, there was tell of "Black Thunder," the great black sperm whale who was known to be seen "riding" the water hill or swimming in the river below and it did not seem to have a friendly repertoire. As we headed up to the top it became apparent that getting back to the other side was somehow near impossible and yet the idea of going back down the staircase was out due to suddenly rising water levels. I thought of jumping in the river but knowing I was pregnant, this was a risk I did not want to take. As we approached the top, it was realized that the only way out was to jump off the height of the platform, into the original pool at the top, far below. After hesitating for quite some time, finally, knowing there was no other way, despite fear of Black Thunder, I jumped... All that I remember is the feeling of adrenaline, seeing the underwater view of bubbles and immersion, the gnashing of whale teeth and unconsciousness... I woke, in the dream, to find that the water levels were lessened, there was a pile of debris in the center of it, the whale had not 'eaten' me up and somehow, I felt a sense of deep connection with him or her, along with a great sense of relief.


  1. Iris E.,
    I hope for you that the baby announces its name to you in a dream, a gift from its spirit.
    To me the whale seems to be a good ally for birthing. If you can, check out a CD by Jonathan Goldman called "Dolphin Dreams". His music is excellent. This one, using frequencies of dolphins, is to be used by pregnant mothers and is very calming for the child, both before and after birth. I enjoy it myself. Listening to Whale Songs would also be good.

  2. So far, if it does end up a girl, the name Isobel has announced made itself known, here and there.

    Thanks Justin.
