(I was recovering from a colonoscopy- meaning up a lot in the night, recovering from anestesia etc etc- so I was in a perfect (!?) space for a lot of dreams it seems...)
I (and Sophia) are at a huge HML gathering/convention- it is being held on a big cruise ship- really big- but it is somehow permanently docked- on what I think is an island. The weather is sunny and beautiful, the ship is filled with partiers and (much like the Esoteric Book Conference) I am meeting & greeting & chatting & laughing & socializing with a lot of people.
I clearly remember chatting up Nema and Lyrus and had a long really fun chat with Papa Nick and a lot of people Ive never met before except as names on the list- it was really fun, and a lot of magickal conversations were going on- a lot of occult images and sigils were about.
Then somehow we got ahold of a bus and piled in and had a wild party driving the bus on and off the cruise ship in a big circle- strange- but hilarious.
Hey Aion, I hope I was present..and whom was the captain or was there one??