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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Recent Painting Dreams
Saturday, November 13, 2010
- Recently I dreamed a coy and funky little pixie moved into the space under my entryway. Small, green, looking like youd think- it kept razzing me and mooning me....grinning....flitting about....slanted eyes, all green, little flower-like cap...- but so damn cute. Very vivid and real dream.
Weird. So now what do I do? Ive been told to feed it- sweets and honey have been offered as traditional. Im living a Sandman comic...
She Raises A Dark Smile to People Essencing Around
I dreamed thta I was reading an email post from a woman I know and the part I
remember was somewhat poetic:
She raised a dark smile to people essencing around
That is all I remember
Glowing White Obelisk and Dr. Love
First night with 1.5 mg of melatonin (1/2 tab)
Glowing White Obelisk on Auspicious Knoll
In one dream I looked on the nice knoll in the field across the road and saw
a magnificently glowing white obelisk – the glow was rather magickal and gave me
a feeling of awe.
Dr. Love
I was watching a late night TV commercial where this guy with a 70’s mustache was
horizontal and making out with a 70’s chick with words on the screen advertising his
chiropractor and massage services. Then a breast was revealed and down went his face.
I was a bit perplexed thinking wow these late night commercials are pretty saucy.
Incidentally I read that melatonin may be better with smaller doses since it was said in the
lucid dreaming w/supplements book that when one wakes up it is hard to get back to sleep. I went to bed early since I had to get up at 4:30 AM. I woke up at 2 and experienced a little insomnia – felt real awake – but I think I was back to sleep in about
15-20 min. I did get to sleep fairly quick early in the eve – which was good for me.
Buried Horse, Little Girl and Scarlet Woman Book, and The Apostle Craig
I dreamed an acquaintance who had horses had buried one with the head sticking out
of the ground near the road. A few sheep and goats were in a pen back from the road.
They were lounging. No feelings except to think, bummer the horse died.
Analysis: Perhaps this ties in with my dream of horse body and head last month. In both cases they were separate but not separate. I thought also of Hayagriva – the horse-headed one – stealer of the Vedas in Hindu myth where Vishnu appears in the same horse-headed form and returns the Vedas. Hayagriva is a great protector in Buddhist Vajrayana. In Tibetan Buddhism he is said to aid in helping the practitioner to better visualize the tantric mandalas and such. Also in my travels for work I often get near a town in NY called Horseheads and sometimes stay there. The name derives from a General Sullivan’s campaign to battle the Iroquois in 1779 – they apparently made a 450 mile journey through wooded and mountainous country coming through Pennsylvania with an inadequate food supply both for men and horses. Many horses died or became disabled. At the town – the Iroquois apparently found many bleached horses skulls and lined them up along the valley – which they named the Valley of the Horseheads. Also there are folks that live a ways down the road from me that have a white horse – and I don’t recall seeing him as of late – though sometimes he wanders upland. Update – my wife says he is still around.
Little Girl and Scarlet Woman Book
We were camping at home and in the morning the mail person had mail at the end of the lane. I was naked and went to get it but I saw a young little girl walking up the lane so I went and wrapped a blanket around me. I did not get what I was expecting in the mail but I did get a book I had ordered about The Scarlet Woman.
The Apostle Craig (10/31/2010 half-waned moon)
There was a news story about business men in China propitiating the Apostle Craig.
They used information from oil wells. The dream was vague (which rhymes with Craig).
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Greeting the Willow Tree

November 9th 2010 7:15 AM EST
I am on a bicycle/moped now at the bottom of Queen City Ave. and Beekman, near the BP and the old factory that is no longer in use. It seems there is also a used car place here. I see Joe Hill, the janitor from the library, and the see the mean maintenance man from the library whom I don't like, and want to avoid him. I don't want him to know I am here, so I drive up a nearby street that goes up a steep hill.
As I do so I find I am on a road that has wild prairie fields on either side. At the very end of the road a willow tree is planted and it is flowering. I get off my bike and go up to it. At this point I realize I have a little dog with me, a chihuahua, sitting in a quart sized plastic kitchen containter that is strapped down in the back of the bike. I let him out with me, and go under the canopy of the willow tree. I am very excited. I know it is very old and and planted here specially. I see that I am in a park, but judging from the signs it is under repair. The visitors center is also closed. There is a sacred mystical feel to the tree and it has a red flower.
Coming out from under its branches it is full on night now, where before when I was riding up the hill through the fields the sky was painted in gorgeous bursts of red as the sun set. I look to the right and see a very old house, wooden, and also painted red. The place has been abandoned for awhile. The windows are boarded up, and some of the wood is falling apart. It is dilapidated. Nevertheless I think that if I was brave enough I would bring a group of friends with me to break in and explore the building. It has a classic haunted feel.
then I turn and see a group of robed teenagers coming up the hill. They are here either to play a live action role playing game or to engage in a neo-pagan ritual. Whereas neither of those things bother me, I still get a creepy vibe off of them. I'm afraid of them and want to get out of there. I scramble around looking for the dog, trying to put it back in the bucket, and then put ut the bucket back on the bike. But I'm having a hard time.The kids are closer now, but I don't feel as threatened. Though there is still something quite ominous about them.
Feelings: A sense of mystery, awe, deeper reality reaching out to me. I also felt a story I've been incubating as I work on other material calling out to me for attention.
Reality: I don't think this particular park exists. Although there is another park in the Fairmount that overlooks the city it doesn't have a visitors center or fields surrounding it. I don't know if there is a willow tree there. Otherwise the place has the feel of the "alternate Cincinnati".
Actions: Look up mythology surrounding the Willow Tree. Perhaps write aspects of this dream into the story when it comes time.
Motto: The mysteries of the trees are open to me.
photo by Alan Burnstein.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Initiatory Dream - Plumbers and Wisdoms
The night before a note to this man had been written though not sent, expressing feelings of discomfort in attending social events due to his possibly being there. It feels as if the spirits of the Wise (yes, plumbers are wise (wo)men, too) have given their advice and I thank them for their presence in my dream. It had, indeed, been a while.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Occult blues
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Shifting Dream
The dream shifts abruptly and I am running like the wind down an enormous hillside onto a plain. I feel shock as I become entangled in some sort of net. As I struggle for freedom, I notice two farm boys about a hundred yards aways operating machinery that tightens the net. I persist in the struggle and figure out the weave of the net (five major bands that I must pull over my head and out of). As I become free, the two boys run away in horror. I wake up wondering what happened.