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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Recent Painting Dreams

On two occasions I dreamed of painting a milk sea - and the dreams were nearly identical - I am listening to Brian Eno's new CD playing softly and upon a very large canvas hanging on a nail on a very high wall I dip a broom-sized brush into pails of paint and thus paint the milk sea and with that broom-sized brush I also sail through the milk sea...

I also recently dreamed of paintings layers of sky and sea and that the two were "woven" together in such a way that in places the sky became the sea and the sea became the sky. The colors were lush and gentle, deep and bright: pale golds, burnished golds, rich aqua, subdued mauve, and clear blue. This dream was so vivid that upon awakening I believed it was really hanging in my studio.

Note: image by Mermaid

Note: years ago, I made several artworks which were inspired by Brian Eno's Neroli CD.


  1. Your picture is absoloutely beautiful! I'd love to see your Neroli artworks...

  2. Thank you, Justin. I went to SF today to catch the Van Gogh, Gaugin, Cezanne and Beyond exhibition at the de Young (up til January 18, 2011) and was delighted to see in large white lettering on the windows of the de Young the following Van Gogh quote: "I dream my paintings and then I paint my dreams." The exhibition was a knock-out. Caught the Birth of Impression show last summer. Know you are busy - me, too. Will drop a line off-list sometime re: art.

  3. Beautiful and exciting dream Mermaid!
