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Monday, November 8, 2010

Initiatory Dream - Plumbers and Wisdoms

I read recently of the Initiatic processes and fulfillment thereof, that its meaning was dedication to a life lived in spiritual context. The interpretation of what that constitutes, up to the magickian. Last night's dream was one of this nature, where, on a fresh water ocean or a very large lake, a man disguised as a woman of some native descent, though this recollection of the woman is blurry, walked out with me from a small wooden cottage to the extremely choppy waves not more than a few feet away . We were looking at something now hazy in memory and wanted to get closer but the waves lashing as they were, a meter of so into the water was all we could manage, before turning back due to their intensity. We could see dolphins against the purple-ish grey, near blackened sky and they showed up once later in the dream, as well. Later, I was lead to a very large platform on the churning sea by three individuals, by candlelight, for initiation's sake. Once at the top, setting up, all of us had stepped to the front of the thing which suddenly toppled into the waters below. Attempts to surf a piece of it back were abandoned, so we swam. After this point, I was back at the shack, every time in the dream being wet was followed by surprise at how quickly I became dry. There was a brief sexual encounter in the dream with a woman with piercings. Afterward, a man who looked like the stereotypical modern plumber was offering a card reading. I had not seen him in a very long time and again, had the feeling that this was a female spirit in disguise. After making mention of it being good to see one and other again, it was said that a reading would be more than welcome. The last dream where I was offered a tarot reading, despite money in hand and the willingness of the psychic, I voluntarily postponed it. He asked if I wanted a 13 card spread or some other number and while stumbling over saying, "Well, 13 would be wonderful except I don't want to take up too much of your time," he had already began laying out the cards. I was told that a period of being a hermit must end and show a fascinating imagery in a deck I had never seen, almost like stain glass, fragmented, against black, of the Hermit and the Burning Tower. He also told me, "The man who had your heart in the past," while making a sweeping motion, toward an imaginary dust pan, "Sweep him up and throw him out, completely." In other words, do not consider him.

The night before a note to this man had been written though not sent, expressing feelings of discomfort in attending social events due to his possibly being there. It feels as if the spirits of the Wise (yes, plumbers are wise (wo)men, too) have given their advice and I thank them for their presence in my dream. It had, indeed, been a while.


  1. If it were my dream, what jumps out at me is the whole ocean/dolphin scenes and the plumber wanting to give me a 13 card reading. The Hermit and the Flaming Tower has been my desire to go within, really dedicate and study. The ocean and dolphin are asking me to jump in to a plumb a greater depth of my being. 13 is the Number of taking a cosmic leap. There is part of me that isn't ready though, wanting to postpone the reading, so not to take up the plumbers time. Makes me think of using a pendulum for some reason (been getting real energy rushes lately and can't find my pendulum when its flowing to see the results). I must look at this feeling that I don't want to take up people's time. Maybe this is similar to falling into the ocean, the abyss, when I am beginning my ritual. I value people spending time with me, and they always get some good things out of it. But for some reason I feel I am the ocean, that I swallow other people up if I am not careful. Maybe I need to worry less about organized rituals and other people's rituals and dive into creating more of my own. Everything is a sacred rite!

  2. Oh, thank you for this Ron... The insight here in interpretation is really helpful and sheds a lot of light. Sometimes we rush through a reading but the interpreting really is akin to turning the key.
