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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Glowing White Obelisk and Dr. Love

Dreams Nov 12 – 2010 – Waxing Moon

First night with 1.5 mg of melatonin (1/2 tab)

Glowing White Obelisk on Auspicious Knoll

In one dream I looked on the nice knoll in the field across the road and saw
a magnificently glowing white obelisk – the glow was rather magickal and gave me
a feeling of awe.

Dr. Love

I was watching a late night TV commercial where this guy with a 70’s mustache was
horizontal and making out with a 70’s chick with words on the screen advertising his
chiropractor and massage services. Then a breast was revealed and down went his face.
I was a bit perplexed thinking wow these late night commercials are pretty saucy.

Incidentally I read that melatonin may be better with smaller doses since it was said in the
lucid dreaming w/supplements book that when one wakes up it is hard to get back to sleep. I went to bed early since I had to get up at 4:30 AM. I woke up at 2 and experienced a little insomnia – felt real awake – but I think I was back to sleep in about
15-20 min. I did get to sleep fairly quick early in the eve – which was good for me.

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