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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Occult blues


I am in a dream where I am telling my new age and metaphysical friends about starting my Oasis Occult Mystery School in Boulder.

My dad is there, saying this doesn't sound right. He's a Christian, so he's shut down to the word "occult." I tell him occult only means hidden, esoteric knowledge. He says it sound like I am living in the past.

I tell everyone I have studied Pythagoras, Hermes, Plato, St. Austine, and I know what it takes to teach metaphysical sciences and arts. Great traditions of the past have a part in saving humanity and helping us have a future as the human race.

My dad doesn't agree. I say, "Oh well!"

Then I announce we are going to need a lot of money, a great deal of money to start this school. I am energized and feeling quite positive. I'll funding. EOD.


  1. Great dream on the Great Work. I love the part about the traditions of the past helping to save humanity and move us forward as a species. If it were my dream the Father figure would represent those naysayers of patriachal authority in and out of my family. Still, the vision is strong and I say go for it, despite the naysayers.

  2. thanks Justin. Can't believe how smoothly things have been coming together and falling into place. This dream was an important shift. I've been having other dreams of reading tarot on the Boulder Mall at midnight, in the dead of winter, waking up empowered from those dreams too. Thanks for starting this little group, I've worked at inspiring those in Magick with the power of dreams in my day.
